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All our products are unique.

You are guaranteed never to see your Mythik Mystik jewelry or accessory worn by another person.

Made in France

Mythik Mystik jewelry and accessories are handcrafted in France by Audrey Wollbrett. No subcontracting and only one interlocutor.

Our last creations

Featured Jewelry & Accessories

Mythik Mystik uploads new jewelry and accessories regularly.

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What’s new in the blog?

Publications intended to make you discover the world of pearls and its infinite variety.

  • The materials I use
    In the manufacture of my jewelry, I use all kinds of materials. Here is a small inventory of my “ingredients” that will allow you to take stock of what you buy when you treat yourself to a Mythik Mystik jewel 🙂
  • LunĂ©ville embroidery, what is it?
    If you have ever browsed the Mythik Mystik site, you may have seen the term “Luneville embroidery” in the description of some of my embroidered jewellery. Before becoming an embroiderer, I didn’t know what that meant either.
  • Klimt, a major source of inspiration
    New brooches have just landed in the shop! Do they tell you something? Surely yes 🙂


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